Illness is related to inflammation more so than to age. Anti-Inflammatory foods can keep you healthy and young. But certain “foods” or food like substances can also make you ill. The health care industry fails to promote the role of nutrition in healthy living and prevention of disease.

As consumers, we rely on the food industry to promote our health. Sadly profits rather than health is what’s important to the food industry. Designing and selling addictive products containing an excess of sugar, salt, unhealthy fats and starchy carbohydrates is how they entice you. These highly processed food products promote disease-causing inflammation.

When controlled, inflammation is vital to life. Inflammation is the body’s response to infection, injury or allergies. Acutely, it is a protective mechanism that is necessary for healing. It is a critically important, immunologically mediated process. When the immune system is balanced, inflammation attacks invaders and restores health.

When out of control, inflammation can be chronic and lead to tissue damage which underlies many disease processes. Inflammation can shorten survival. It is a “silent killer”. We are often not even aware of its existence until a serious disease is diagnosed. This inflammatory process destroys healthy tissue leading to many illnesses including cancer, atherosclerotic heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and psychological disease among others. Asthma, allergies and autoimmune illnesses such as ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease are all associated with inflammation.

Obesity is a pro-inflammatory state, promoting sickness. Fatty tissue is vital for storing energy for use when there is starvation. However, in excess, this adipose tissue releases pro-inflammatory substances including cytokines, interleukins and others that fuel the tissue injury and promote disease.

What are the triggers of inflammation??

Poor nutrition:
Diets high in sugar, salt and trans fats.
Lack of essential nutrients, omega 3 oils and anti-oxidant rich plant foods.

Sedentary lifestyle
Poor sleep
Toxic environment
Toxic environmental exposures
Many everyday products (cosmetics, cleaning supplies, etc.)

What can you do??

To reduce your risk of illness, you can and you must reduce your risk of inflammation by doing the following:
Eat a nutrient rich, anti-inflammatory diet. Include plenty of plant-based foods including colorful vegetables and fruits (each color is a disease fighting phytochemical compound)
Eat wholesome, protein and fiber rich legumes
Eat fish, a great source of Omega 3 anti-inflammatory oils, Vitamins A and D
Eat organic, grass fed, humanely and pasture raised beef and chicken
Eat healthy oils and oil rich foods such as extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, olives and avocados
Eat fiber and B-vitamin rich whole grains instead of processed, starchy foods.
Add anti-inflammatory spices to your meals such as turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, onions, garlic, peppers, oregano, rosemary, green tea, anise, mint and many others

Exercise daily
Sleep well
Reduce stress
Enjoy family and friends
Practice gratitude

These simple changes to your lifestyle will go a long way in preventing serious illness and keeping you young, healthy and vibrant.

I also recommend some nutraceuticals that can add anti-inflammatory potency and enhance your well being.

Biospec Inflam 95 (ginger, turmeric, boswelia)
Biospec Omega 3 oils (super omega, Ultra omega)
Biospec or metagenics Vitamin D (bring your Vitamin D levels to 50-70, ask your doctor)
Biospec Magnesium glycinate 450 or metagenics magnesium glycinate

Try these recipes using anti-inflammatory foods
By Amanda Haas, Dr Bradley Jacobs (The Anti-Inflammation Cookbook)
CHIMICHURRI w/ mint and Basil
Pg 56

Pg 52

Pg 123

Pg 151

To your health!
Martha Mejia

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